Saturday, October 15, 2011

Should You Buy an Extended Warranty For Your New Car?

When you buy a new car, you would naturally expect not to have any problems with that car for the first few years. And as you probably want to save on any extra expenditure at that time, you may not wish to take out the extended warranty that the car showroom offers you. However, the cost of putting something right if you do not have cover can far outweigh the cost you pay on an extended warranty. And even if you said no in the showroom, you can still get cover after your purchase.

Cars used to be made very simply, and having a good knowledge of mechanics meant you could repair and maintain your car yourself, but this is not so anymore. New technology and the increased use of electronics means a greater potential for failure and it is harder to turn your hand to fixing the problem yourself. Just diagnosing a problem with your car can take up the valuable man hours of your own time, that an extended warranty would cover.

We Buy Any Car

As one of the biggest purchases you will make in your life apart from your house, it is essential that you take out the extra cover to protect and insure you against future problems. We all take out buildings insurance, so why do we not take out an extended warranty on our ten thousand plus dollar purchase of a car? Those of us who go over our household budget with a fine toothcomb, know the importance of an extended warranty. In these fiscally challenging times, an unexpected bill to get your car back on the road, can be a big drain on your monthly disposable income.

Buying a car is a big investment, and it is sensible to protect that investment. Cars do come with certain protection and warranties from dealers, but usually these only cover certain defects and provide for repairs after a certain mileage has been completed. With a greater reliance on our cars, this free cover often does not protect us against many of the potential pitfalls that lie ahead.

Taking out the protection an extending warranty provides you with, will keep you and your family on the road for business and pleasure, and will ensure that you have complete control over your monthly outgoings. So when making that major purchase, consider the protection an extended warranty can afford you, and the peace of mind it will deliver. Garages will gladly charge you hundreds of dollars to put the faults right if you do not have cover, so maybe you should gladly pay that small amount for an extended warranty so that they do not see any more of your money than they have to.

Should You Buy an Extended Warranty For Your New Car?

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